Special Needs Buggies

The world is a big place with lots to see and hear and smell and touch.

So lets get out there and be part of it !

If you need some help that's OK, if you need some wheels to do it then maybe a large size buggy is for you.

If you're too big for an ordinary buggy, and a chair with wheels won't get you where you want to go, then perhaps one of these could be the answer.

When our son was two years old a three wheel buggy was so rare that when we walked out with him in a Land Rover All Terrain Pushchair many people assumed, incorrectly, that he was a child with special needs.

In some ways they were right - he needed to breathe fresh air, to feel the sunshine and rain on his face, to watch horses frolic in fields, he needed to collect conkers and taste blackberries straight from the hedgerow to smell freshly mown hay and see the landscape change with the seasons.

The special needs of every child.

Now almost every other buggy you see has three wheels as parents have sussed that if you want to get out there and be part of it you need three large wheels.

Our son is now older and too big for an ordinary buggy. When we take our dog for a walk he walks with us or rides his bike, but if he wasn't able do that then we would use an Advance Mobility buggy.

An extra large buggy is what you pay for, but what you are buying is a ticket to a whole world of experiences.

info@specialneedsbuggies.co.uk tel: 01363 881110